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"Dakini is a tantric figure representing a female embodiment of enlightened energy. "



"the outer-outer dakini is a dakini in human form. She is a yogini, or Tantric practitioner in her own right.   The Nirmanakaya dakinis are human women born with special potentialities; these are realized yogini ."


"in Hindu tantrism dakinis are the guardians of the deeper mysteries of the self, through whom the secrets of inner transformation are revealed. There is a distinction between terms such as shakti, yogini, shakini and dakini, although in general conversation it is often blurred and the terms used interchangeably.  In Hindu Tantra, practices such as intimate Tantric ritual may involve a "helper" dakini – a human female trained in tantric yoga.  In Hinduism, persons seeking siddhi, or powers, such as yogis often have to face challenges from dakini, shakini and other wrathful or semi-wrathful female figures. They have to be overcome in order to gain siddhi and thus become a Mahasiddha or a true yogi, with control over the elements of nature.  Dakini, Shakini, Kakini, Kamini are per Hindu tantra also the shaktis or powers who control the different Chakras.  Thus dakinis are the guardians of the deeper mysteries of the self, and it is through them that the secrets of inner transformation are opened. Once a person is able to awaken Kundalini and move it from its base, Muladhara to top Sahastradhar, he becomes a Yogi. "      (240) 339-3336       DC/ MD/ VA    


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